Discover Optimal Wellness

At Shalom Wellness, we utilize a holistic, bio-individualized, root-cause approach, empowering you to take back your health.

Our Mission

Our mission at Shalom Wellness is to empower our clients to reclaim their health and wellness by providing accessible health knowledge and fostering health autonomy.  We are dedicated to helping individuals become active participants in their own healing journey, as they engage in their story, integrating fragmented aspects of their well-being into a unified whole. Our aim is to cultivate shalom by destroying the authority connected to chaos in their body, mind, and spirit. 

We are here to reflect the Creator's love and light, dispelling the darkness, and working to reestablish order. We believe that true healing comes from the Creator, and our role is to assist individuals in receiving that healing through a multifaceted approach. By honoring each person's unique story, we tailor our interventions to address the biochemical, biophysical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances that have manifested in their life.

At Shalom Wellness, we are committed to providing compassionate guidance and support as our clients navigate their journey towards balance and well-being. We believe in the innate capacity of every individual to heal, and it is our privilege to walk alongside them on this transformative path.

Our Services

All of the services we offer are highly complementary to one another as well as powerful modalities on their own.
Our service model provides you the opportunity to have one or multiple of our hands-on modalities done in the comfort of your home. Qest4 scanning and consultations, on the other hand, are done remotely. After you decide to schedule a consultation with us, we will find a time that works for you and your family for in-home therapy or remote consultation!

CFT provides a freely-moving brain and spinal cord to allow for optimal glymphatic and lymphatic drainage, brain motion, trauma release, and so much more.

The Qest4 system measures the energetic imbalances in your body and provides balancing energies to foster healing for the root causes of disease. The scan can be done in person or remotely, using DNA such as hair or nail clippings, or an oral swab.

The ATB system is the Hebrew electromagnetic telecommunication network of the human body. It is the most basic, fundamental system of the body and therefore is like the software system (energetic body) to the hardware system (physical body).

ART is muscle testing using the science-proven biophoton field, or light field, of the body. We use ART to individualize protocols or in some of our therapies to guide our approach.


I was introduced to CFT at the beginning of the year while trying to find a way to heal postpartum pelvic pain. While working through this pain Tara was able to find many other areas in my body that were also holding fascial strain that needed to be released. It was amazing how my body could tell her what it needed (things I didn’t even know) and she was able to listen to it and work through them.

Together, over multiple sessions, we have been able to make so many connections between my current symptoms and past experiences and traumas. She has helped me realize how important it is to have the fascia released in order to experience optimal healing in all areas including physical and emotional.

Tara is very informative and knowledgeable as a CFT professional and has helped explain many concepts that are new to me. Her nurturing personality and genuine care are definitely appreciated when having this type of bodywork performed. She has been so inspirational through this process and truly a blessing on my healing journey!

Ali K.

Tara came to me in the midst of one of the biggest health scares of my life.

I am so grateful she was able to send me some emergency instructions for things I could do right away that immediately helped.

It was invaluable to receive help from her. As a fellow Christian she was able to pray with me through some of the emotional aspects that may have been related to my condition from old physical injury and recent stressful events.

Her muscle testing (ART) assessment skills were spot on in helping to find the best intervention for my situation with unknown cause. I was amazed to find such speedy relief from such a simply applied approach as Aleph-Tav Body (ATB). No supplements, no dietary changes, just two hands. With that one intervention I had a dramatic change, and so much peace that I would make it through this health scare. She left me with homework of things I could do from bed after she had left as well.

I am a natural practitioner myself focusing on nutritionally based approaches, and was doing all I knew on that end. I’ve dabbled before in homeopathy, herbs and other various modalities but experiencing Tara’s help through ATB has made it my new go-to modality.

(She later helped me with a couple simple supplements as well. But ATB was the missing piece in my situation)

As a Christian this felt like a powerful application of laying hands on the sick, and I will definitely be stowing away some of the things I’ve learned in case I need them for my daughter, and will definitely her a call again soon so my other family members can also benefit from this powerful modality.

River Y.
Tara has been a huge help in our healing journey and a wealth of knowledge. I have noticed improvement in sleep for both of my kids (4 and 7 years old). We have noticed an improvement in my 4 year old’s anxiety and she is always in a better mood after her therapy. I recently tried the therapy for myself having always dealt with stress and anxiety and immediately felt some kind of shift during the therapy. Feeling amazed that our bodies were created to heal if we just tune in. Can’t wait to see changes as we continue this over time!
Angela H.