About US

Picture of Allen family

Shalom Wellness exists because of the tools, wisdom, and lessons gleaned in the crucible of our healing journeys.  From Lyme to autoimmunity, birth defects to supposed irreversible diagnoses, infertility, childhood trauma and beyond, we have traversed a life-altering journey through holistic, root-cause healing that has birthed in us the paradigm through which we now approach clients.  At our core, we see all dis-ease as a result of the fracture between the Creator and mankind and we believe that everything (all illness, brokenness, pain, infirmity, and so on) is redeemable

It’s no secret that people who find themselves deep in the trenches of the alternative, holistic wellness space often got there because of a healing journey of their own.  It’s very common to develop illness, search for help in the context of western medicine, find no help or get worse, have more questions than answers, and then look elsewhere to find something that will alleviate the suffering.  We are no stranger to this story.  

In 2016, I (Tara) attended the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Symposium by divine intervention where I made the connection that the chronic, debilitating symptoms that my husband was experiencing were likely due in part to stealth infections and Lyme Disease.  I was there with a holistic practitioner friend that essentially introduced me to this counter-narrative culture of alternative medicine and the medical doctors that were risking their licenses, livelihoods, and at times, their lives, to advance the right understanding of the alarming increase of autoimmunity and chronic illness.

Over the course of seven years, Jordan reversed a myriad of physician-prescribed diagnoses and the need for pharmaceutical interventions. I pursued nursing school, bedside ICU nursing, Nutritional Therapy school, multiple certificate programs in things such as Craniosacral Fascial Therapy and Muscle Response Testing, and we both went through various modalities of inner healing.  We have meandered through so many seemingly isolated but divinely connected tendrils of revelation regarding healing from the inside out. It is why we are deeply hopeful about the tools and paradigm God has given us to impact others on their healing journey