Aleph-Tav Body (ATB) System Touch Therapy

ATB is like acupressure but more foundational and effective.  It is a gentle, hands-on modality where a client lays on a padded exam table with clothes on while the practitioner contacts specific points on the body with light touch.

In simplistic terms, our bodies have a “software” system and a “hardware” system – a bioenergetic system and a physical body.  The Aleph-Tav Body system is the “software” system, or the electromagnetic telecommunication network of the human body.  It is the deepest, most foundational system of our bodies.  It controls all the information required for the proper function, shape, form, and animation of the human body and everything the body does to sustain life.  

Energetic congestion and dysregulation is the root cause and deepest layer of all dis-ease.  Our physical bodies are a downstream manifestation of our energetic system.  Addressing the “software” system, restoring coherence (in other words, order) therein, will eventually manifest in the physical [body] as healing.  Therefore, ATB is the most powerful and effective system to address when healing the body.

Dr. Alphonzo Monzo discovered that this system is based off of the Hebrew language and has spent over eleven years restoring and re-contextualizing it to the proper ancient and biblical roots to which it belongs.  He has extensive resources and educational content available to better understand his research and the ATB system, as well as a 400-page manual with critical and life-enhancing applications available for purchase on his website.

To purchase the large, textbook version of ATB with advanced sequences, follow this link:

To purchase the abbreviated ATB e-book for $25, follow this link:

Aleph-Tav Body (ATB) System Touch Therapy

ATB is like acupressure but more foundational and effective.  It is a gentle, hands-on modality where a client lays on a padded exam table with clothes on while the practitioner contacts specific points on the body with light touch.

In simplistic terms, our bodies have a “software” system and a “hardware” system – a bioenergetic system and a physical body.  The Aleph-Tav Body system is the “software” system, or the electromagnetic telecommunication network of the human body.  It is the deepest, most foundational system of our bodies.  It controls all the information required for the proper function, shape, form, and animation of the human body and everything the body does to sustain life.  

Energetic congestion and dysregulation is the root cause and deepest layer of all dis-ease.  Our physical bodies are a downstream manifestation of our energetic system.  Addressing the “software” system, restoring coherence (in other words, order) therein, will eventually manifest in the physical [body] as healing.  Therefore, ATB is the most powerful and effective system to address when healing the body.

Dr. Alphonzo Monzo discovered that this system is based off of the Hebrew language and has spent over eleven years restoring and re-contextualizing it to the proper ancient and biblical roots to which it belongs.  He has extensive resources and educational content available to better understand his research and the ATB system, as well as a 400-page manual with critical and life-enhancing applications available for purchase on his website.